About the Fair
Good Old Fashioned Fun!!
County fairs have been bringing friends together to celebrate the end of summer and to start new dreams of the future for over a century now. Just mentioning a county fair can bring to mind images of livestock, crafts, sticky cotton candy, balloons, clowns, laughter of young and old alike, while in the distance the sounds of the midway calls.
The Cape Fear Fair & Expo board is comprised of 11 individuals who call Wilmington and the surrounding counties home. The board works very hard all year long to bring together the tents and exhibits in the front of the fair which includes all the animals, agricultural exhibits, and educational booths entries. We also research and book all of the wonderful entertainment each year – which in 2021 includes:
- Victoria’s Circus
- Brad Matchett Comedy Hypnotist
- Agricadabra Magic Show
- Southland Dairy Mobile Classroom
Each year, we partner with Power’s Great American Midways to bring you the most exciting rides, fun games, and delicious fair food!
Cape Fear Fair and Expo
PO Box 3265
Wilmington, NC 28406
(910) 313-1234
President: Debbie Carter
1st V.P.: David Barkley
2nd V.P.: Brad Bradberry
Secretary/Treasurer: Liz Perrone
Fair Manager/Director: Skip Watkins
Director: Donnie Osborne
Director: Joe Cina
Director: Cindy McNally
Director: Elizabeth Reitz
Director: Terri Sigman
Director: Brenda Hewlett